Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wash Me

365-98 Yoru
Day 098/365

Akemi is beginning to blow her fur and Yoru, well, he seems to shed all year 'round, so everything is covered in fur. My clothes, canned goods, spiderwebs, inside our computers, everything.

Yoru enjoys sitting in the sun whenever it shines into our place. You know he is in bliss as he slowly blinks and looks up at you hazily.

Akemi is a bossy and nosy dog. When she sees Yoru on Cloud 9, she shuffles her way over to him relaxing peacefully in the sun, and bullies her way into the same spot.

365-98 Akemi Shadow
Day 098/365

When Akemi finds out that the spot isn't really special, e.g., not covered in peanut butter, she meanders off in search of the next adventure. Should Yoru return to snoozing in the sun, Akemi will soon follow. Rinse and repeat.

One of these days, we'll invest in a Furminator. Right now, $40 is just too steep for us.

- Cassaendra

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