Monday, September 12, 2011

A Card

We visit libraries frequently. For a change in scenery, we went to the main Cleveland Public Library located Downtown. Meandering in an ornate building with soaring ceilings surrounded by lovely fixtures from the 1920s transports me to a different time...until I walk into a room and  hear the tap-tapping of computer keys.

365-93 Main Library Globe
Day 093/365 - Main Library entrance

With two aunts and an uncle who were teachers, a grandmother who was a professor, and a mother who devoured books (history, horror, political philosophy, suspense, military, and more!), it shouldn't be surprising that I grew up with my own library of books, find the fragrance of old books relaxing, and enjoy the tactile turning of deckled pages. Surrounded by so many books, you'd think I'd write better!

365-93 Main Library Window
Day 093/365

In stark contrast, the adjoining building (not pictured), a modern extension to the main library, opened its doors in 1997. Aside from books, it houses a vast collection of Blu-Ray, DVDs, and CDs.

With a Cleveland Public Library card and a computer, we have access to ~30 libraries within the Cleveland Public Library system, as well as the ~30 libraries in the Cuyahoga County Library system. The Lorain Public Library system is also directly linked. We are lucky to have available so many resources for learning and entertainment!

Our bounty on this trip was 20 books, DVDs, and CDs -- a taiga drama (Japanese historic drama), a couple of Japanese suspense series, German World War II documentaries, metal and techno CDs, and several food literature and science fiction books.

- Cassaendra

Cleveland Public Library - Main Library
325 Superior Ave, NE
Cleveland, OH 44114
Tel: (216) 623-2800

2 deep thoughts:

Tipa 13 September, 2011 16:23  

That picture looking out the library window is gorgeous!

Cassaendra 13 September, 2011 23:09  

Hi Tipa,

Thanks! It's a beautiful library - something I would imagine is more common in the Northeast. I'd love to have a house similar to some of the floors.

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