Saturday, July 18, 2009

Center of the Sun

I'm frequently amazed at the creativity and devotion that people exert when making fan videos, especially the well made ones. While they may not have created the original images, editing isn't exactly a cakewalk.

"Final Fantasy XII" edited to Center of the Sun

Center of the Sun by Conjure One is off of their self-titled album, one of my top 5 favorite CDs. For nearly 20 years, I have been a sucker for bands Rhys Fulber has touched, from Front Line Assembly, Will, the many phases of Delerium, to early Fear Factory and Nailbomb (Max Cavalera, Alex Newport, et al.).

"300" edited to Center of the Sun (Solarstone's Chilled-Out Remix)

When we went to see 300, I had high expectations, mostly due to the hype, but was unimpressed. It was visually stunning, no doubt, but the story seemed to lacked depth for a 2 hour movie. Using the same images, this video was more poignant in less than 4 minutes.

Bug did not care for Conjure One's music initially, but after hearing me play the CD 23425234234 times, they have grown on him. I'm sure it helped that Poe sang a couple songs on the CD.

- Cassaendra

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