Pick Pocky
While we were shopping at Cleveland Asia Market (CAM) for ingredients to make several dinners for the upcoming week, we meandered across the snack aisle looking for kakidane. Since we didn't find any that were reasonably priced, we turned the corner to head toward the cashier when I saw an endcap display that caught the corner of my eye.
My eyes glazed over the tower of numerous Pocky flavors like mandarin orange, berry, kiwi, several other cool swirly mixes that we would have LOVED to try. Priced at $2.99 each, I was hesitant to pick one up but succumbed to my curiosity.
Kiwi Pocky
While carefully sliding my finger under the perforation, I was wondering what the inside would look like. Would it be brown cardboard? Glossy white? Green?

Pretty Pocky
A smile spread across my face. I was pleased to discover a stark orange interior. The Pocky appeared lovingly packaged in frosted pouches with adorable, glossy green kiwis.

I was a bit skeptical that this would taste at all like kiwi. Kiwi from a box?
When I opened the packet, a refreshing puff of green tickled my nose. I quickly grabbed a stick and took a bite. Ha! It tasted like kiwi gummi -- sweet and tart, followed by a slightly bitter after-sensation.
Memories of the absolutely amazing Japanese kiwi pudding my mother used to make from a kinda instant concentrated liquid mix with crushed kiwis flooded my senses. It was heavenly. Imagine a refreshing milky, cold dessert with the consistency of chawanmushi (soft, loose custard texture) and sweet kiwi chunks.
Kiwi Pocky was not exactly like eating a fresh kiwi, but the highlights were there. It's how I wish kiwi would taste if I could put it on a cracker with white chocolate.
Ah! That reminds me - I haven't had kiwi jam in over 20 years. It's AMAZING! I'll need to make some, err Bug will need to make some, some time.
- Cassaendra
2 deep thoughts:
I've been meaning to post about Pocky on my blog. We always grab some from the local market when we eat in Japantown. They make a great little after dinner snack and they do come in so many flavors! We usually try a different flavor every time we pick them up.
Hi Mrs. L!
Pocky are wonderful because they seem so innocent in their tiny packaged portions. My next flavor to try will be mandarin orange. :)
What is your favorite flavor?
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