Saturday, July 28, 2007

Let's Do the Time Warp

The Taste of Tremont was LAST SUNDAY!

I was bloghopping last weekend on Sunday and landed on Craving Cleveland (also under Linking Logs), where I read about the Taste of Cleveland. I looked over to Bug and said, "Oooh! The Taste of Tremont is today!"

After reading further, I glanced up and saw that the entry was dated "Monday, July 24th," and continued reading. Something about the date bothered me - the fact that it said Monday didn't really register. I re-read the date and saw that it was an entry from 2006. How disappointing.

I've been curious about some of the restauarnts like Lago (Italian), Sokolowski's University Inn (Polish), Grumpy's Cafe (?), and Fahrenheit (fusion), but I've been too lazy, stingy, and/or not in the mood when I've been peckish and thought about those places.

Not very many things hold my attention for very long, so all was forgotten when I jumped to another site a minute later - yes, it was another blog that reviewed restaurants.

I didn't think twice about the Taste until a co-worker had asked me on Friday whether or not I had gone on Sunday. My eyes widened as I recalled reading about it last Sunday and replied sheepishly, "No...I missed it."


- Cassaendra

1 deep thoughts:

Mjol 15 August, 2007 00:51  

Hehe, that stinks.

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