Monday, April 16, 2012

Kitchen Sink Pizza

There are potentially infinite incarnations of my kitchen sink (in more ways than one) pizza. I'll also state my disclaimer that this is as Italian as my wonton noodles are Chinese, so I'm labeling this experimental, even though I'm not delving into funky funghi that I foraged in the forest down the street.

365-287 Market Pantry Pepperoni Pizza
Day 287/365

On our fairly frequent trips to Target to look for 1-2 necessities like toothpaste, zipper storage bags, and *shifty eyes* potato chips, we will inevitably walk past the frozen pizza section. For $2.50 each, Market Pantry (one of Target's two store brands) frozen pizza is a fairly economical, quick, and filling dinner.

When I look at the flat, frozen two-tone pizza, I want color! To Bug's dismay, I'll root around the refrigerator clanking bottles and mumbling while rummaging through the vegetable drawer examining fresh and not so fresh ingredients.

On this day, I set aside red peppers, asparagus, mushrooms, bird's eye chili peppers, goat cheese, kalamata olives, and sun dried tomatoes. As I chopped a wee bit of this and a tad bit of that, a few minutes later, my chopping board was covered and I felt guilty. That simple pepperoni pizza sitting on the counter that Bug wanted to munch on would not be the same.

I liked it, but Bug wasn't thrilled about the goat cheese. No goat cheese next time, at least not on the entire pizza.

Oh, and the other reason why it's a kitchen sink pizza? I wasn't raised by a pack of wolves, but I will frequently eat my pizza over the kitchen sink since I typically eat just one slice.

- Cassaendra

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