Thursday, September 29, 2011

Taco Loco

Bug had a serious craving for American Mexican food, so we went to Don Ramon. I gladly agreed, despite not being a fanatic of the cuisine like he is.

I just wanted a picture of their Taco Loco.

365-110 Taco Loco
Day 110/365 - Taco Loco

The last time we were at Don Ramon, I grudgingly walked through the doors and ordered the Taco Loco just to see how loco this taco was.

When the platter was brought to my table, I was astonished at the size. It was easily a foot long, stuffed with chicken, beef, shrimp, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, lots of cheese, and Mexican rice.

I wouldn't be surprised if the taco weighed in at 2 pounds. Unfortunately, it was saltier this time around, so Bug inherited my leftovers. Oh, no.

- Cassaendra

Don Ramon
6278 Pearl Rd
Parma Heights, OH 44130-3062
Tel: (440) 886-0566

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