Thursday, July 16, 2009


From the road, St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church appears quite small and understated, with the exception of the tower of white, blue, and silver balloons and streamers bouncing in the wind to usher us newbies to the festival entrance.

Past the bend and down a slight decline, the modest looking driveway opens up into an asphalt tundra of parked cars, cars slithering in a line to find parking, and a seething mass of entropic bodies. This place could easily hold parking for at least 300, plus the church has an adjoining soccer field that they (we) utilized for more parking.

Drive Thru
Festival drive-thru

I chuckled when I saw the drive-thru sign, a first for me. I thought people went to festivals to bump bodies with the masses, enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of food, beer, sweat, kids, grass, and baked, wet trash.

Hmm What to Get
Dessert decisions

I've learned that it's not prudent to attempt to decide which Greek dessert to get. It is much better to get at least one of everything. Do not live life with regrets.

N Royalton Greek Fest
Indoor festival crowd at 18:30

The dinner line was daunting so we turned away. What about living life without regrets? The line was not moving. I'm sure Bug would regret having his right arm gnawed off while waiting in line for food. I would regret it too. Who would drive everywhere and cook for me?

The set-up here is a lot better than the one in Tremont because the dancers and band are outside. Call me a curmudgeon, but I don't enjoy screaming over shrill music being spat from bad speakers reverberating in an enclosed box with chandeliers while eating. If both of my hands are covering my ears, I CANNOT EAT!

The festival will run from Thursday through Sunday, so we may return during a more humane hour than during feeding time.

Gas Prices
Fill 'er up!

Gas prices fluctuate quite a bit within the city. On the same day we saw this, the price was $2.54/gallon elsewhere, and people were still pumping fuel there.

You bet we fueled up here.

- Cassaendra

St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church
4548 Wallings Road
North Royalton, OH 44133

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