Wednesday, March 4, 2009

California Dreamin'

To avoid the early evening grocery store rush, we stopped by Target to get some olives needed to complete the spaghetti Bug made for dinner. As we walked the long way around to the grocery section, I picked up a notepad and a nice dark grey polo shirt for Bug. Bug grabbed some mozzarella cheese and a stinky pew-pew container of parmesan and asiago cheese. :(

While Bug was standing in line to pay for our filled shopping basket, I peered over at the food counter, then found myself standing before a refrigerator of salads and drinks. An Archer Farms California chicken salad ($4.00) sitting on a shelf caught my eye, as well as the pomegranate blackberry water.


Yeah, so what?

Archer Farms California chicken salad

The salad contained Romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, whole walnuts, feta crumbles, and dried cherries.

I picked through the salad and ate most of the lettuce and all the walnuts, feta, and cherries. The textural and flavor combination was quite delicious. The crisp and umm nutty walnuts, the smooth, creamy, and inoffensive feta, and the moist, plump and wrinkly, tart and sweet cherries. The poppy seed dressing was meh so I tossed it. The chicken could go, since I don't really care for chicken. The lettuce was crisp. I would buy it again.

Bug's baked basghetti

The baked linguine with beef, tomatoes, mushrooms, and olives was delicious!

I wonder what makes a salad "California." The dried cherries? I'd ponder on this more, but I am too full to care.

- Cassaendra

2 deep thoughts:

Anonymous 05 March, 2009 14:29  

You should have saved the chicken from the salad for the dog.

Cassaendra 05 March, 2009 23:17  

Hi Mike!

I suppose I could have given it to Bug. :P I don't feed Akemi human food, but I think Bug has given her small morsels of unseasoned meat. I'm sure Akemi would run away and live with you if she knew your dog gets Whoppers!

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